Travel and Recreation Committee - August & September Updates

August and September are busy times for Wyoming legislators, I was on the road crisscrossing the state for Travel Recreation and Wildlife, Water, Appropriations, Capital Finance and Investment, Rules, and Management Audit committees. Laws, regulations, and funding start in these subcommittee meetings and I wanted to share what we are working on for the people of Wyoming. 

Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources

Travel and Recreation are billion-dollar contributors to the Wyoming economy, accounting for 3.4% of Wyoming’s GDP. There is so much more we can do to support this industry and the economic diversification opportunities it provides the state. To give every community a chance to expand this economic sector we allocated $50 million in funding for bike trails and maintenance in towns across the state, offroad trails near Lander and Laramie, and ATV trail development in southwest Wyoming. Another item on the agenda was expanding the Film Incentive program, from blockbuster shows like Yellowstone to independent films, many Wyoming-based stories are being filmed in states with better programs. We are advocating for a Film Incentive program to show the world what Wyoming really looks like.

Frederick Mountain Group